C ct -- not calling back
Ralf U. Holighaus
ralfi at pemcom.pem-stuttgart.de
Fri Apr 26 23:39:54 AEST 1991
simon at ms.uky.edu (G. Simon Gales) writes:
>So sorry, but _you_ are wrong. SCO Xenix 386 (AT & MC) 2.3.[23] both
>have working ct commands. We use then quite a lot, and they work well.
>We've never really had a problem with it in any version of xenix, but
>we may not have tried them all...
OK, then we might have a problem on our system. I didn't try it the last
months 'cause we changed our communication server to a UNIX 3.2 system.
And UNIX's ct would NOT run.
PEM Programmentwicklungsgesellschaft | Ralf U. Holighaus
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PO-Box 810165 D-7000 Stuttgart 80 Germany | holighaus at PEM-Stuttgart.de
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