cc available with Xenix System V?
Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy
splee at
Wed Apr 24 12:08:53 AEST 1991
In article <1991Apr22.050421.25735 at> sci240s at (mr w.j. ho) writes:
>I am new to SCO Xenix. Just one question.
>Is the C compiler ( cc ) standard with SCO Xenix? I have a 386 version but
>I am afraid that it is a "toy" version since it come with only approx. 12 disks
>and I've seen a 286 version ( + graphics + development kit etc ) with many more
>disks ( close to 35 or 40 disks ). All I want is the C compiler and its standard
Xenix 386 comes in seperate packages; Runtime (what you have, presumably),
Developement System (what you want, but don't have), Graphics, Text Processing,
and Networking. The C compiler and standard libraries comes with the Dev
System. You could get the GNU gcc and g++ compilers, but you still need
the libraries, and include files.
Seng-Poh Lee
splee at
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