Best way to backup SCO Xenix/UNIX
Connor MacLeod
macleod at
Fri Apr 5 17:53:12 AEST 1991
In article <aris.670179095 at tabbs>
aris at tabbs.UUCP (Aris Stathakis) wrote:
| The title says it all. What *IS* the best way to do a backup? At the
| moment all I do is make sure I keep all important data on a seperate
| filesystem, then periodically backup up that filesystem using tar.
| If I ever had a crash, i'd have to re-install the Operating System
| (Xenix 386 2.3.3) then restore my data from tape.
Well... I don't know if the way I use is the best but it's ok for me.
I'm using cpio to backup my system. The advantage in using cpio instead
of tar is that cpio is able to backup special devices, too.
The syntax for using cpio is:
cd /path_to_backup; find ./ -print | cpio -oB >/dev/rct0
I'm using 150/250 MB tapes according to the usage of my filesystems.
Make sure to use "find ./" to get a backup with relative paths. The
cpio has no option -A like tar to suppress the leading / when restoring.
The command for the restore is:
cd /path_to_restore_to; cpio -iBvdum </dev/rct0
Have a look at the various options of cpio. The ones mentioned above
are ok with me. You might change the blocksize or something else.
The tape you get when doing the backup with cpio is your complete system.
So you only have to install the basic OS - it's N1 B1 and B2 for Xenix -
and then restore your tape.
You can decide to create a bootable filesystemfloppy containing the
tools you need to set up a new harddisk so you could use this "blaster"
to build a bootable filesys on your hd in case you've had a "final" crash.
I never had a blaster disk for Xenix 'cause it's only N1 B1 and B2 to
install the basic OS but I have one for SCO Unix. To install the basic OS
of SCO Unix it'll take half an hour and a lotta disks! The blaster set
contains only of two: a bootfloppy and a filesystemfloppy with the tools
to bring up a bootable filesys (or more) on a new hd.
Uwe Obst # {connor|macleod}
(aka Connor MacLeod) # "Trust me, I know what I'm doing!" -- Sledge Hammer
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