Xenix-net VTP for DOS, does it EVER WORK?
George Harvey
george at logitek.co.uk
Sat Apr 6 03:17:34 AEST 1991
In article <864 at wyn386.mi.org> danielw at wyn386.mi.org (Daniel Wynalda) writes:
>Does anyone out there currently use Xenix-net and have a DOS machine
>tied in? I can get xnreset, xnstatus and xnftp to work, but have been
>yet to get vtp.exe to run on DOS and talk to a Xenix machine. It apparently
>is looking for a NET.EXE program and that didn't come in the set of
>DOS executables. 'net' came with the Xenix version of Xenix net. The
>docs are not clear as to where I should get this program.
>The Xenix-net manual gives some mention to MS-NET and IBM PC-Net running
>Xenix-Net. Do most people use another network rather than Ethernet
>cards when talking on Xenix-Net? I have Excelan's LAN workplace for
>Xenix and for DOS running and Xenix-Net from Xenix to Xenix works great.
I have successfully used VTP on a PC running 3Com's 3Plus
workstation software to talk to Xenix-Net on a Xenix-286 system.
The installation was done some time ago so I'm afraid I can't
remember all the details but I don't recall having any particular
problems with VTP. I did have to get 3Com's version of NET.EXE
(it was on one of the supplemental disks) if I wanted to use the
Xenix system as a file server but I don't think it was necessary for
My understanding is that VTP is a pure NetBios application so as long
as your network supports NetBios it should work.
George Harvey
email: george at logitek.co.uk
Standard disclaimer - all opinions are my own.
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