Travis Bissett
tbissett at
Tue Apr 2 11:50:04 AEST 1991
I've just installed an old Irwin model 145 (40 MB) tape drive into my 386 AT
clone running 2.3.2. BTW, thanks to Irwin for having pretty decent technical
support -- had to wait on the phone some and listen to Mr. Roboto. But, it
was a small price to pay to get to talk to a knowledgeable techie on the
same day. The hardware seems to be working. And, thanks to SCO for having
Support Level Supplements where I could get drivers "for free." And, thanks
to my sysop (see origin line) for getting the driver SLS since I don't have
uucp capability.
Still having growing pains -- haven't got it to work 100% yet. Finally got
the drive configured right and the software installed -- and lost my
Interlan TCP/ip and Image Manager drivers in the process. But I've learned
there is some sorcery that must be employed when loading a mix of drivers
into the kernel.
If there is someone out there who has a similar setup I'd appreciate an
exchange of notes via email. Does format work? Or, is it as terrible as the
SLS docs seem to imply ("use at own risk")? I get mysterious "tracking
errors" and am resorting to bulk erasure and reformat. Is this a bad idea?
Does the tape interfer with others using the floppy drive fd0? Is any
particular brand of cartridge (DC2000?) superior in Your Humble Opinion? How
does one clean this thing (sorry, can't RTFM as it went volatile about 3
years ago). Thanks in advance.
Travis Bissett
tbissett at
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