need programmer's editor
Joseph Allen
jallen at
Wed Apr 17 15:57:42 AEST 1991
In article <26391 at hydra.gatech.EDU> gt8963a at prism.gatech.EDU (MCCARTNEY,JEFFREY ELWOOD) writes:
>I need a simple, easy-to-use programmer's editor for sco xenix.
>Low price is a necessity. I hear EMACS is excellent but expensive.
>Anything public domain or shareware? Thank you.
If you don't need macros you can have the screen editor I wrote (it's PD).
Here's the on-line help text from it to give you an idea of what it's like:
^B left ^F right ^D single ^T mode ^KB mark ^KF text ^_ Ctrl ^KO split
^Z word ^X word ^W word -> ^R retype ^KK end ^L next ^\ bit-7 ^KI zoom
^A edge ^E edge ^O word <- ^KA center ^KC copy ^KL line FILE ^KP up
^P up ^N down ^J line -> ^KJ format ^KM move EXIT ^KE edit ^KN down
^U page ^V page ^Y line <-> ^KZ shell ^KW save ^KX save ^KD save ^KG grow
^KU top ^KV bottem ^G insert ^KY kill ^C abort ^KR read ^KT shrnk
The key-sequences are completely configurable but the terminal must be
vt100/ansi-ish (the editor will use scrolling regions on vt100s and does have
interruptable optimal screen update). (You don't have to use all the control
characters as shown in the help text- the normal arrow keys/pgup/pgdn etc.
work (and are configurable)).
The editor has: multiple windows, auto-indent mode, word-wrap mode, paragraph
reformat function, search & replace, highlighted blocks, help-text which can
stay on the screen, overtype/insert-modes, picture-mode (cursor makes space
past end of lines). The editor can be programmed to start in any mode
depending on the file extension. The editor is tiny (only 80K). There are no
line-length limits, but the files being edited must fit in virtual memory.
Binary files can be edited. The margins for word-wrap and paragraph reformat
are fixed (I only use these features for news :-)
Style: When you move the cursor between lines, the cursor always stays in the
same column (if it's past the end of the line and you type, the cursor either
jumpes to end real end of line or creates space depending on the mode
setting). Page-up/Page-down move 1/2 a window at a time and do not move the
cursor on the screen unless the top or bottem of the file is reached. To type
text in, you just type it (as opposed to insert mode in 'vi'). Tabs work.
Control characters are underlined, characters with the 7th bit set are in
inverse. The current line-number/column number are not displayed but the file
name is for each window.
Speed: On the console, page-up/page-downs are instantaneos on machines faster
than 20Mhz.
I'll mail the source (or compiled if you wish) to you if you want it. If
there's enough interest I'll post it. (versions available for BSD & HP-UX
#define h 23 /* Height */ /* jallen at ( */
#define w 79 /* Width */ /* Amazing */
int i,r,b[]={-w,w,1,-1},d,a[w*h];m(p){a[p]=2;while(d=(p>2*w?!a[p-w-w]?1:0:0)|(
0L);m(w+1);for(i=0;i%w?0:printf("\n"),i!=w*h;i++)printf("#\0 "+a[i]);}
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