Anomaly SCO Archives
Michael P. Deignan
mpd at
Sun Apr 28 07:43:07 AEST 1991
* The (unofficial) SCO Ported Software Compendium *
Date Of Last Update: April 27, 1991
The Ported Software Compendium is a non-inclusive list of software which has
been ported to the SCO operating system. All files can be downloaded from
ANOMALY. Anonymous FTP is currently not available, but we are working on it.
Due to the size of the listing, it can no longer be posted directly to
COMP.UNIX.XENIX.SCO, or the related SCO mailing lists. Instead, only the
files added to the SCO archives on ANOMALY will be published in these
groups. Users can obtain the entire listing from ANOMALY via anonymous UUCP.
Updates to the list should be mailed to: mpd at
or, for those of you who like bang-paths: ...!uunet!!mpd
Filenames: The Software List: anomaly!~/SOFTLIST
Miscellaneous Notes: anomaly!~/NOTES
All UUCPable Files: anomaly!~/ls-lR
This software listing is maintained by Michael P. Deignan of Small Business
Systems, Incorporated, and is in no way affiliated with the Santa Cruz
Operation, SCO's employees, or subsidiaries.
For further information contact:
Michael P. Deignan, President
Small Business Systems, Incorporated
Box 17220, Route 104
Esmond, Rhode Island 02917
+1 (401) 273-4669 voice
+1 (401) 823-1447 fax
Anonymous UUCP Information:
Telebit Trailblazer Plus Dial-In: +1 401 455 0347!login: xxcp
Password: xenix
To download a file, issue the following uucp request on your machine:
uucp anomaly!~/archives/<filename> yoursite!<to-filename>
All files are stored in /usr/spool/uucppublic/archives on ANOMALY.
If you have a file to donate to the archives, then kindly upload it as
uucp yoursite!<filename> anomaly!~/incoming/<filename>
This will store the file in ANOMALY's incoming directory for posting to
the archives. Please include a mail message to "mpd" indicating what the
file is, etc.
If you are unable to upload a file to us, but have some that you wish to
contribute, we will be happy to either Anonymous FTP or UUCP them. Just
leave a message to "mpd" with the pertinent information.
All files can be accessed from ANOMALY's "bbs" login, for those users without
UUCP or FTP access. Validation is required to access the file sections,
though, so on your first call leave a note in FEEDBACK stating that you're
calling to download from the archives, and we'll see that you get an
special access account.
The main number for ANOMALY is: 1 401 455 0347. All lines are PEP.
Special Note: The archives on ANOMALY are in source code format, with
exception of the GCC/G++ compilers.
Files Recently Added To ANOMALY's Archives Include:
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 8293 Apr 24 19:47 clndf.tar.Z
Tracks DF usage and maintains a DB to alert SYSADMIN in case of potential
problem (low disk, etc.)
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 13084 Apr 24 19:29 finddup.tar.Z
finddup is a utility to find duplicate files on your drives.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 22672 Apr 24 19:55 ntwhist.tar.Z
NetWhist - A network version of the German game of Whist.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 8132 Apr 24 19:44 nwscln.tar.Z
Utility to clean your .newsrc.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 65623 Apr 24 19:36 remind23.tar.Z
A software-based reminder system.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 5511 Apr 24 19:41 which.tar.Z
WHICH is a utility to tell you which version of a binary you will execute.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 145784 Apr 12 15:51 less17.tar.Z
The more up-to-date version of LESS.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 111359 Apr 12 15:40 rkive.tar.Z
Utility to archive USENET News *.source groups.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 563513 Apr 29 20:00 cnews.tar.Z
Latest Patchlevel of CNEWS.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 7981 Apr 05 23:04 ichk.tar.Z
An INODE checking utility. Keeps an eye on i-node utilization.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 1344 Apr 05 22:57 idleout.tar.Z
Utility to log off users after a set period of inactivity.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 2206 Apr 05 23:00 setuname.tar.Z
A utility to set your id as shown by the "who" command.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 6703 Apr 05 22:54 smaillog.tar.Z
This utility will analyze Smail 3 logfiles and produce concise reports as to
mail activity.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 534096 Apr 14 02:33 elm2311.tar.Z
The latest patchlevel of ELM (11)
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 9614 Apr 14 18:34 talk.tar.Z
Allows user's to engage in full-screen chat mode. Great for BBS operators
who want to chat with their users.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 209401 Apr 27 10:09 X11R4.tar.Z
Patches for MIT's X11R4 for XENIX. Note: This requires X11R4 sources and
fixes (not available on Anomaly, but available from Sir-Alan.)
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 1091481 Apr 23 22:45 perl40.tar.Z
Perl 4.0, latest patchlevel.
-r--r--r-- 1 uucp uucp 607055 Apr 27 10:17 nn64.tar.Z
NetNews 6.4, latest patchlevel (16).
-- Michael P. Deignan / Since I *OWN* SBS.COM,
-- Domain: mpd at / These Opinions Generally
-- UUCP: ...!uunet!rayssd!anomaly!mpd / Represent The Opinions Of
-- Telebit: +1 401 455 0347 / My Company...
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