CD-ROM and ISC Unix and VP/ix? Help!
James P. H. Fuller
jim at crom2.uucp
Fri Apr 26 10:37:25 AEST 1991
Can anyone give me any hints about getting a CD-ROM drive recognized
from within VP/ix?
Everything works fine under true DOS, so I know it isn't a hardware
problem. The device driver (HITACHIA.SYS) is loaded by VP/ix's config.sys
file and the DOS extensions (MSCDEX.EXE) are called by VP/ix's autoexec.bat.
When I call up VP/ix I get the correct messages that these items are being
loaded succesfully, but when I try to get a directory listing or anything
else from the CD-ROM drive all I get is
CDR101: Not ready error reading drive D
Abort, Retry, Fail?
I'm running Interactive Unix release 2.2 and Interactive's VP/ix. I have
begun to wonder if what I'm trying to do is even possible. I remember when I
added a mouse to the system I had to both load a DOS mouse driver *and* put an
entry in vpix.cnf pointing to the /dev/mouse device file before it would work
in VP/ix. But in the case of the CD-ROM there doesn't seem to be anything that
looks like a Unix CD-ROM device file.
Are CD-ROMs simply not supported under VP/ix? Is there any way to con-
figure a CD-ROM in as a "nonstandard device"?
If you have a CD-ROM reader working under any flavor of VP/ix (not just
Interactive's) I'd be most interested and grateful to hear your experiences.
Thanks very much,
James P. H. Fuller
jim%crom2 at
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