Caching SCSI (or MFM if we must) hard disk controllers in Xenix

Bill Vermillion bill at bilver.uucp
Fri Feb 22 02:31:06 AEST 1991

In article <22417 at hydra.gatech.EDU> gt0652b at prism.gatech.EDU (gt0652b Josh Guttman) writes:

>I have just started working for a company who is having trouble withe
>the performance of their xenix system. The system seems to lack the
>umph of most other networking solutions. My question is can xenix
>use a caching hard disk controller effectively ( I am mainly a dos dude) ?
>I was thinking about an Eisa bus mastering SCSI controller running in
>33mps burst mode with anywhere from 2 to 10mb of on board ram and a
>dedicated processor (an 80186 for exampke). 
>Is this what we need or should we try to boost line transmission speed?
>I wish I knew more about the systemn but this is only my first day.

Well if you recommend and expensive hardware fix, and that doesn't fix it
it could be your last day.

Before you go stumbling about blindly, give us some more information as to
hardware (all of it) software, etc.    I have seem some software programs
that no amount of horsepower would solve, because people didn't understand
what was going on.

An example from a local bank. They had a process running that was doing
massive amounts of calculations.   Took 24 hours to run, and that was after
they had gone to a 25Mhz '386 with 16 megs ram.   Friend of mine went in,
looked at the code, did about one hours worth of work, and it now ran in 4

Give us all the symptoms and then re-ask your question.

>Thanks in advance,
>Josh Guttman
>gt0652b at
>"A major Electronics Company"

Bill Vermillion - UUCP: uunet!tarpit!bilver!bill
                      : bill at bilver.UUCP

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