Deamon to execute a program automatically

Christopher Molnar molnar at neis.UUCP
Sat Jan 26 11:41:32 AEST 1991

In article <18 at medicod.UUCP> matt at medicod.UUCP (Matt Smith) writes:
>>Hi, I need some information on how to create a deamon from the Xenix-OS.
>>I would like to create a deamon that will execute a program at certain time
>>every night. How can I do that ?
>>ie, at 2:00 am I would like to execute data backup automatically.
>It already exists.  Look in your manual under cron(C) in your user
>reference manual
Sorry to quote all again, but is it possible to use this to run a vpix
application in the background.... Say a fido-net mailer? since I have yet
to find one for Xenix (that works)?

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