foxbase panics sco unix
Tim Ruckle
timr at sco.COM
Fri Jun 28 10:41:59 AEST 1991
In article <218 at ahmcs.uucp> alan at ahmcs.uucp (Alan Mintz) writes:
} <...>
} Let SCO know. Foxbase+ has fallen pretty low on the resource priority list
} in the last month. They have stated that there will not be another Fox+
} release, but I am starting to worry that the promised bug-fix SLS will not
} happen either.
The SLS will happen. Should be available in 3-6 months.
I don't think anybody in-house has been able to replicate this bug--if
there is any additional information that might help in doing so, mail
it to me and I'll pass it on to engineering.
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