Wordperfect Office for SCO Unix

Mark Citron mcitron at phad.hsc.usc.edu
Sat Jun 15 00:17:50 AEST 1991

I have about given up on waiting for Wordperfect to come out with
a version for SCO Unix. However I have gotten their Xenix version
to run on both 3.2.0 and 3.2.2  I would be interested in hearing
from anyone who might also be doing this (or interested in trying
it out). The major problems I have run into involve sending WPmail
over tcp/ip and getting the mailer to start automatically on 

If anyone would would to exchange info on this, please let me know.
Mark Citron
Childrens Hospital LA

Mark Citron
mark at neurosci.usc.edu

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