uucp/uucico problems

Peter Bodifee bodifee at sunatb.UUCP
Fri May 31 05:41:36 AEST 1991

In comp.unix.xenix.sco MCGARTHY "gt8963a at prism.gatech.EDU" writes:

>I'm having problems with the part of sco 2.3.2 that's not like straight
>unix.  What's happening is that emailed msgs to remote systems
>(using the "remotesysid!loginid" format) don't leave my system until
>the remote systems sends something to my system.  Does anybody have a
>clue as to why this is.  This happens in sending to most (or maybe all)
>remote sites.  

I experience exactly the opposite. When I mail a message to a remote user
as soon as I type the 'end-of-message' command in mail my modem starts
dialing to send the message. I rather have mail (usually more then 1 message
queued and then being send when cron calls uusched and uuxqt to send the
queued mail messagen.
queued mail messages. I have only connection to one other remote system and
use 'Any' in the schedule field in the file Systems.
My cron calls uusched and uuxqt once an hour.

Can somebody put a light on this dark spot?   
Peter Bodifee			UUCP:	  {uunet}!hp4nl!bsovax!sunatb!bodifee
"UNIX is the answer,		Internet: bodifee at sunatb.bsovax.UUCP
what is the question?"		Phone:    +31 76 484848 
#include <disclaimer.h>		Fax:      +31 76 422424

Peter Bodifee			UUCP:	  {uunet}!hp4nl!bsovax!sunatb!bodifee
"UNIX is the answer,		Internet: bodifee at sunatb.bsovax.UUCP
what is the question?"		Phone:    +31 76 484848 
#include <disclaimer.h>		Fax:      +31 76 422424

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