Configuring Xenix for 1200/2400 baud access, uucp log management
Steven P. Donegan
donegan at stanton.TCC.COM
Wed Apr 13 00:34:04 AEST 1988
In article <151 at amcad.UUCP>, billb at amcad.UUCP (Bill Burton) writes:
> Hello fellow netlanders. I'm trying to get our SysV.2 machine to talk to
> an SCO Xenix 2.2.1 system at 2400 baud. However, the Xenix system
> ksgbbs Any,1 ACU 2400 1234567 "" BREAK ogin:-BREAK-ogin: uucp
I use the followin entry on my xenix system to talk to other xenix systems,
perhaps this will help:
sysname Any,2 ACU 2400 1234567 ogin:- at -ogin:- at -ogin: uucp
> 12tty1A <- modem port 1
> 12tty2A <- modem port 2
I have modified the /etc/gettydefs file on my system to start the cycle at
2400, then 1200, then 300 and back to 2400. Modify entry 3 to cycle 3-2-1
in yours and you shouldn't have any problem (a 'feature'/bug of SCO xenix
is that a framing error will be interpreted like a break, so sending any
character at the wrong baudrate will cause the system to cycle to the next
> Also, the Xenix machine is devoid of any scripts to clean up the uucp
> log. Does anyone have a scripts to do this?
I use my own cleanup script, but the xenix command uuclean does a fair job.
Steven P. Donegan
Sr. Telecommunications Analyst
Western Digital Corp.
donegan at stanton.TCC.COM
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