More on Quantus
Daniel Ray
norstar at tnl.UUCP
Thu Apr 7 09:32:29 AEST 1988
In article <28417 at linus.UUCP>, dee at linus.UUCP (David E. Emery) writes:
> From Sunday News, Manchester NH, 3 April 1988. (exerpts quoted with
> permission from this front-page article.)
> So, if you got ripped-off, you should probably contact the N.H.
> Consumer Protection Division or the N.H. Attorney General. Both are
> located in Concord, NH. (I don't have addresses or phone numbers.)
> Good luck!
Thank-you all for the followups! I, too, learned of the demise of Quantus about
a day after posting my story. My $3760 (and the machine that went with it!) are
lost, I'm sure. I'll be lucky to get pennies on the dollar from the court. Not
only have I dealt with a second-rate company, but a ripoff artist as well. Seems
that Tom Slack has done this kind of thing before...
Anyway, to all you nice but gullible people out there (you know who you are!),
watch out, or this could happen to you...
* Certainly a learning experience!! *
norstar (at The Northern Lights) uunet!uvm-gen!tnl!norstar
"We are all spirits of light!"
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