Ben Humphreys
cline at pnet01.cts.com
Tue Apr 12 04:36:28 AEST 1988
For the last 2 weeks, I have been looking for a decent editor for Xenix. It
has been an uphill battle. I first downloaded the source for Micro EMACS,
tweaked all the defines and tried to compile. Got a few warning messages and
then a message from the linker to the effect "DGROUP > 64k" or something. So,
not knowing the Dev't sys that well, I just downloaded the source for Jove.
Jove requires one to tweak the Makefile. Using my current word processor,
Lyrix, I tweaked the Makefile, wasting all Tab characters in the process
(which Make requires I believe). Jove won't compile anyway. I believe the
problems lie in jove.c and one other program. Can someone mail me an
executable of Micro EMACS and possibly an explanation of how to get the thing
to compile (I think I have 3.8i).
Thanks in advance.
UUCP: {cbosgd, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!pnet01!cline
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