Need information on fixes in current release of Xenix.
pri=-10 Stuart Lynne
sl at van-bc.UUCP
Mon Apr 18 08:13:55 AEST 1988
In article <3 at ispi.UUCP> root at +++.UUCP (Super user) writes:
>In article <659 at omen.UUCP> caf at omen.UUCP (Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX) writes:
>>In article <217 at oha.UUCP> tony at oha.UUCP (Tony Olekshy) writes:
>>:I am currently running SCO Xenix System V release 2.1.3 on 286 ATs. I have
> .
> .
>>: * Is the on-line manual available yet?
>The on-line manual is now available from SCO as part of the update to
>the Text-Processing System. It includes an intelligent "man" program
>which looks up in an index the request, and tells you about any other
>pages which might be relevent. It is stored in packed format so it only
>takes up about 1.25 meg of disk space.
Yuk! They use pack/unpack! And the man command is binary. It's to bad SCO
doesn't know about compress.
pack is slower than compress, and much less efficent than compress. On
other System V based systems I've just had to edit the man script to add a
test for .Z as well as .z; and unpack then compress the files to save even
more space.
I just unpacked cat.C the largest directory under /usr/man. It went from
1174 blocks to 1774 blocks. Given that this is formatted text, compress
would probably average well over 50% which would save us about 300 more
I'll re-post after I get compress moved over.
Perhaps SCO should follow Apple's lead and start shipping some of the better
public domain software. Personally I don't know how anyone could even
contemplate running a small Unix system without compress/elm/smail.
{ihnp4!alberta!ubc-vision,uunet}!van-bc!Stuart.Lynne Vancouver,BC,604-937-7532
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