Site 'killer' update
Usenet control
usenet at jclyde.UUCP
Wed Apr 6 06:43:19 AEST 1988
In article <1706 at desint.UUCP> geoff at desint.UUCP (Geoff Kuenning) writes:
>With such limited information, it is difficult and risky to pass
>judgement on anyone. However, this certainly sounds heavy-handed.
>Assuming killer's offense was a violation of AT&T source-code trade
>secrets, where do they get the right to seize somebody's private hardware?
>It would be one thing if the moved in, deleted all questionable source
>(after backing it up onto media they handed over to the courts for escrow).
>But seizing the entire machine is a little Big-Brother-ish for my taste.
First I want to point out that I posted this for the sysops of killer.
Therefore, I am just passing on what has been given to me. I claim no
responsibility for any of the information contained therein. I am doing
a favor for allen at sulaco and Charlie Boikon (sp?).
Second, as I understand it, AT&T owns killer. Therefore, they can do anything
they darned well please with the machine including seizing it. Now, whether
this is ethical or not is a whole other question.
John B. Meaders, Jr. 1114 Camino La Costa #3083, Austin, TX 78752
ATT: Voice: +1 (512) 451-5038 Data: +1 (512) 371-0550
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