Pcomm port to XENIX R3.4
Phillip R. Acuff
pracuff at brl-smoke.ARPA
Fri Jul 8 11:11:05 AEST 1988
pcomm is a unix clone of the popular PROCOMM for MS-DOS machines. It
is a window oriented communications package with xmodem, ymodem, zmodem
support with a phone directory for autodialers. It is very nice
(although the author did not put kermit in -- PROCOMM has kermit also).
The code was recently posted to comp.sources.unix.
The code was originally written for UNIX V, however after making the minor
XENIX/UNIX V header changes, I got the the code to compile using the
large memory model. I do not use XENIX for development, but use UNIX V.3.
So when pcomm is run, it ends up getting a buss error/segmentation violation.
Unless some pointer combination is messed up, I don't know what the problem
might be. I do not have time to get into debugging this. Anyone interested
in doing the port, or is the port already finished. It is very worthwhile
to have. BTW the machine I tried running it on is an INTEL 310AP/311 w/
4 meg ram.
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