Help! -- Can't get IBM Xenix to run on IBM AT
Gale Wolfenbarger
galew at hpsmtc1.HP.COM
Fri Jul 15 10:03:25 AEST 1988
Believe me you really don't want to know. IBM Xenix 1.0 was a
real mess. I got a couple of pages of patches from tech
support at Priam and after much grief, I finally got it to
boot. Some time later I got some update disks from a local
dealer and after that it seemed to stablize.
If you are going to use the IBM Xenix, you really want the
latest version. I looked into it at the time I was going
through this exercise and found that IBM will update version
1.0 if you send in the first page of the manual, an update card
(available from your dealer) and $250 per module. This is more
than the cost of SCO Xenix. And believe me you would be a lot
better off with the SCO version anyway.
If you just want to play with it, you can get it up and
running. But if you want to use it in production, it would be
better to get a current copy of one of the other versions. I
haven't tried to run 1.0 with an ega card, but it doen't
suprise me that it doesn't work. You may want to contact a
local dealer and see if they have the update disks for 1.0.
Lots of luck.
Gale at HP.
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