Setting inodes on a filesystem
John B. Meaders Jr.
john at jclyde.UUCP
Thu Jul 21 06:52:29 AEST 1988
I would like to modify my current setup. I have two ST-251s. Disk 0 is
/dev/root and Disk 1 is currently /dev/u. What I would like to do is
split disk 1 into two filesystems. One of the filesystems would hold user
areas and the other would be the news spool area. Therein lies the problem.
I tried this when I first installed version 2.2.1 (SCO), but only got the
inodes that the install programs gave. I want the news filesystem to be
about 25Mb and contain 12500 inodes. How can I go about setting this up.
Reply via email unless you think others would be interested in this. Thanks.
John B. Meaders, Jr. 1114 Camino La Costa #3083, Austin, TX 78752
ATT: Voice: +1 (512) 451-5038 Data: +1 (512) 371-0550
UUCP: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!jclyde!john or john at jclyde.UUCP
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