*NIX <--> WANG
Stacy L. Millions
stacy at mcl.UUCP
Sat Jul 30 08:53:22 AEST 1988
Well, after collecting several replys to my earlier posting,
I have confirmed what I had already suspected. Yes it is possible
to get mail from Wang VS to Unix and back again, no it is not
easy, elegant or even reliable. The suggestion that have
been tried before where,
(a) routing through bitnet (with the help of some home grown software) and
(b) the use of a RJE system (and some more home grown software).
Help is on the way, it seems that Wang will be releasing a gateway
package. I phoned my local Wang office (or as local as I can get in
the middle of Sask.) and was told it will be available in 3 to 4 weeks.
They had no information on what it would gate way to, but with a
bit of luck and the blessing of the net gods (any one want to sacrifice
a kitchen appliance or two) it should do the trick.
Thanks to:
David Herron david at ms.uky.edu
Gary S. Trajillo gnosys!gst
David Emery emery at mitre-bedford.arpa
Lyndon Nerenberge lyndon at Nexus.CA
David Boyes dboyes at drizzle.cs.uoregon.edu
"IBM Personal System/2. It's like having 256,000 crayons in one box."
For those of you who are still doing your business reports with crayons!
S. L. Millions ..!uunet!mcl!stacy
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