Please remove PD-YACC sources from your machine IMMEDIATELY
Chuck Brunow
loci at csccat.UUCP
Mon Jul 4 17:20:01 AEST 1988
In article <3532 at rpp386.UUCP> jfh at rpp386.UUCP (John F. Haugh II) writes:
>[ Sorry for the wide posting. This really is very important ]
This is an incredible botch!
>Below is a copy of a letter which was received recently from AT&T. This
>letter explains the status of the ``Public Domain'' YACC which I
>recently posted about.
BTW, you checked his copyright?
>Immediately after the letter is a list of systems which may have
>received a copy of YACC via anonymous UUCP. Please check that your
>system is not listed, and if it is, that you do not have a copy of this
>software on your machine.
I checked. It is. I don't. But why am I listed with the entire
who's who? Did I have anything whatsoever to do with this mess?
NO! And I really don't like lists like this a bit.
> Unfortunately I don't have the logs going
>back this far, but if your machine is listed, it has been in contact
>with rpp386 at some time during the period when YACC was available.
Why the confession? Actions speak louder still. This is an
ignorant hachet-job you call administration. I wouldn't care
if you'd leave me out of it, but you want to play at name-dropping,
"oooo look kiddies, all these connections", and link everyone with
your foul-up.
>Some of the machines are within the AT&T system, please, I don't have
>time to check the organization each machine belongs to. If you are an
>AT&T source licensee, you obviously don't have to worry. I think ...
>Also, the system names have been truncated to seven characters, courtesy
>of UUCP and the R_stat file. If you system name matches one listed
>below to seven characters, please consider your system to have been
>included in the list below.
Just what are you trying to say? Everyone who has access by
any means (anon uucp, PC Pursuit) is touched. Why do you
feel compelled to be so grandious? Did your dog die or something?
>- John.
>DOMAIN: jfh at rpp386.uucp | -- with my apologizes
In the recent past, you have posted personal attacks against
other SA's, issued groups and threatened more in areas yet
unresolved, and now this jesture. Are you sure you can handle
a great big 386 all by yourself? Maybe you need training wheels?
Why do you keep changing your names? Are you
embarrassed to go by one name and live with what you say?
Are you getting set-up to pull a bone-head JJ stunt?
Why don't you just tell us what's next so we can avoid the
rush to dis-connect.
CLBrunow - KA5SOF
Loci Products, POB 833846-131, Richardson, Texas 75083
clb at loci.uucp, loci at killer.uucp, loci at csccat.uucp
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