Xenix/386 + VGA
brian chapman
chapman at sco.COM
Fri Jul 22 06:16:11 AEST 1988
In article <1526 at laidbak.UUCP> daveb at laidbak.UUCP (Dave Burton) writes:
< I recently ordered a Dell System 310 with a VGA monitor.
< I was informed of a problem where Xenix cannot talk to
< the Paradise VGA card as a VGA.
< The solution given was extremely kludgy.
<...use DOS to lock the VGA into CGA mode...>
< This supposedly lasts until the next power-on.
< Anyone: I seek confirmation of this problem and solution.
< Anyone: There has got to be a better way. What is it?
< SCO: when will you have a new VGA driver for Paradise VGA cards?
< Thanks in advance.
< -- Dave Burton (ihnp4!laidbak!daveb)
1) VGAs do not work in Xenix versions 2.2.2 and previous.
2) Compaq VGAs, and VGAs with their fonts at the same ROM
locations as Compaq, work in the currently available
2.2.3 release.
3) Most every other VGA works with 2.2.3 if you get the
VGA update (possibly known as the olivetti VGA fix)
from SCO support.
4) VGA support in 2.2.3 is limited to the EGA compatible
modes only, including graphics.
5) Full VGA support will be available in the soon to be
released Xenix 2.3.0.
Brian Chapman Xenix kernel development
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