Xenix/386 + VGA
Bruce W. Mohler
bruno at pbsdts.UUCP
Sun Jul 24 05:45:25 AEST 1988
In article <10248 at eecae.UUCP>, las at eecae.UUCP (Larry A. Shields) writes:
> "Full VGA support in the soon to be released 2.3" One wonders how
> many months in a "soon". Update 'K' to allow those of us who are
> long time SCO customers to use the VGA in text mode has been promised
> in "two weeks" since April...
> ==larry
I talked to a nice lady (named Berkeley) on their Sales number
on Friday (7/22). She said that Update 'K' was starting to
ship this last week and that '2.3' would be shipping in August.
But then I'm an optimist...
Now, if only I could find a decent symbolic debugger to use
with their Development System, I'd be all set...
Bruce W. Mohler voice: 619/586-2218
Staff Analyst unix: bruno at pbsdts.pacbell.com
Cosmos Design, Development, "Is that like Genesis 1?"
and Deployment District "Yes, but on a smaller scale!"
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