Aaron Zimmerman
aaron at proxftl.UUCP
Wed Jul 6 09:32:05 AEST 1988
I'm in the process of converting from the system I'm using now over to some-
thing I can get UNIX on... My reasons for this are: UNIX is a far superior
programming environment; I am a student, and think that an excellent way to
become very familiar with UNIX would be to own a UNIX machine and fidget a
lot, etc. etc.
Unix, unfortunately, is quite costly. I know that it can be persuaded to run
on a 286 machine, but I am advised that it's so incredibly sluggish that it
is hardly worthwhile. UNIX itself is, I understand, very expensive as well.
I dunno; I can't decide what to do.
In my flounderings, however, I came across Xenix, and would appreciate it
greatly if someone could offer a concise summary of the difference(s) between
UNIX and XENIX (i.e. if I became very proficient in Xenix, could I then
sit down at a Unix machine and function with equal proficiency? also: will
a substantial percentage of the Unix stuff that's out there, such as elm,
TenPlus, hack, etc. run on a Xenix machine? I've seen a lot of people posting
here about problems they've had).
Also, do any of you have any recommendations for which box to get?
Thanks in advance.
/ Aaron Zimmerman \ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/ 3511 NE 22 Ave. \ : Working for Proximity Technology, :
< Fort Lauderdale > : but not speaking on their behalf. :
\ Florida - 33308 / : UUCP: uunet!proxftl!aaron :
\ (3,055,663,511) / -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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