higher resolution ega/vga modes in xenix 386

Tom Betz tbetz at dasys1.UUCP
Wed Feb 22 04:26:01 AEST 1989

Quoth sl at van-bc.UUCP (pri=-10 Stuart Lynne) in <2237 at van-bc.UUCP>:
|In article <13159 at steinmetz.ge.com> davidsen at crdos1.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
|>I am interested in using the 43 line mode for EGA and 50 line mode for
|>VGA. Currently the only way I can do this is by running an editor under
|In SCO Xenix 2.3.1 see vidi(C). For example:
|	vidi  e80x43
|should put your EGA or VGA card into 80 columns by 43 rows mode. 
|You could put this in your .profile/.login. You will also want to modify
|your termcap/terminfo database to add an ansi 43 line entry so that things
|like vi know about it.

Note: if you use a Wyse 450/Amdek 132 and a Wyse 550 Monochrome VGA monitor,
this is broken on SCO 386 Xenix 2.3.1.  Wyse and SCO have both been informed
of this, and are working on it.

So is setcolor(C).

     "Still I sing bonny boys, bonny mad boys, 	     | Tom Betz, 114 Woodworth 
            Bedlam boys are bonny,		     | Yonkers, NY 10701-2509
   For they all go bare, and they live by the air,   |     (914) 375-1510
 And they want nor drink nor money." - Steeleye Span |    tbetz at dasys1.UUCP

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