Resource Wasters
John F. Haugh II
jfh at rpp386.Dallas.TX.US
Thu Feb 16 14:22:24 AEST 1989
In article <8 at holston.UUCP> barton at holston.UUCP (barton) writes:
>I really am becoming annoyed by erroneous test garbage
>being broadcast to the net by certain people.
>As expensive as these resources are, you who are doing this
>are costing the entire net community money.
A typical test posting probably costs ``the net'' about $10
or so. Not really all that much. It is VERY wasteful when
the moron, er, luser, in question posts several messages in
rapid succession. Also, `testing .signature' is absolutely
stupid. Only Henry Spencer needs to test his .sig :-)
>If this offends you who are trying to set up your system,
>I'm sorry but you really should post test articles to the
>local groups only.
>N O T T O T H E W O R L D !!!!!!!!
Or at least limit the newsgroups to misc.test or <city>.test.
I wouldn't limit the distribution to local, city or state
should suffice.
>Therefore, I am requesting those doing this to STOP
Don't expect anyone to listen. However, to educate those
who might not be aware, test message reflectors do exist to
respond to test messages. They work very nicely. But they
can't respond to messages in non-.test newsgroups. So, if you
WANT a reply [ and who doesn't? ], DO post to misc.test. DO
NOT post to comp.unix.wizards.
John F. Haugh II +--Quote of the Week:------------------
VoiceNet: (214) 250-3311 Data: -6272 | "If I do not want others to quote me,
InterNet: jfh at rpp386.Dallas.TX.US | I do not speak." -- Phil Wayne
UucpNet : <backbone>!killer!rpp386!jfh +--------------------------------------
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