Installing news on SCO Xenix 386
Mike Squires
mikes at ncoast.ORG
Wed Jul 19 14:56:51 AEST 1989
In article <12680 at well.UUCP> llz at well.UUCP (Lyle Zumbach) writes:
>This is my first news posting ... please be gentle.
>I have just subscribed to UUNET and I am trying to install Version
>2.11 B of netnews on my Compaq 386/20/4MB RAM running SCO XENIX 386
>Version 2.3.1. The software seems to compile just fine, but when
>I try to run readnews or postnews I get the following error:
>readnews: Segmentation violation -- Core dumped
2.11 B news patchlevel 14 compiled under SCO XENIX V 2.3.1 using the
2.2 development system without problems. The later patches add XENIX
support, if I remember correctly. I was told by a local news
administrator to avoid patches after 15, as he had had trouble with
them of an unspecified nature.
There are a number of public access uucp sites for comp.sources.[misc,unix]
sources, including mine: 814 337 0348 (1200/2400); 814 337 3159 (2400-TB+);
login of "pdsrc" with list of files in /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects or
login of "uucp" with list of files in /usr/spool/uucppublic/ Tlhis
will shortly include C news. I am upgrading to a 386 box so things are a
little disorganized now..
Mike Squires Allegheny College Meadville, PA 16335 814 332 3347
uucp: ..!cwjcc!ncoast!{mikes,peng!sir-alan!mikes}
or ..!{pitt,uunet}!sir-alan!mikes
Internet: sir-alan!mikes at or mikes at NCoast.ORG
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