Duplicating XENIX distrib
Ed Hew
edhew at egvideo.UUCP
Tue Jul 11 14:00:00 AEST 1989
In article <89070708053220 at masnet.uucp> william.pipher at canremote.uucp (WILLIAM PIPHER) writes:
>Just to throw a wrench in the works -- my MSDOS 3.3a would *not*
>correctly diskcopy the N1 Boot diskette of the SCO 2.3 in my package
>either. There appeared to be no problems -- except that installation
>could not be completed with the MSDOS copied 96 TPI diskette!
Since I'm not familiar with the use and capabilities of msdos diskcopy,
I don't know the answer to the following two questions, so I'll toss
them out for consideration:
1/ Does msdos diskcopy know what to do with a mountable diskettes,
as opposed to tar diskettes? The N1 (I suspect, I haven't
checked all my distribution diskettes) is the only one with
a mountable filesystem.
2/ Just how smart is msdos diskcopy? Can it copy device files?
(I don't have a msdos manual handy, or I'd scrutinize it for
the answer to that one. :-) )
--ed {edhew at egvideo.uucp}
Ed. A. Hew Technical Trainer Xeni/Con Corporation
work: edhew at xenicon.uucp -or- ..!{uunet!}utai!lsuc!xenicon!edhew
home: edhew at egvideo.uucp -or- ..!{uunet!}watmath!egvideo!edhew
# I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on floppy around here somewhere!
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