Laserjet & Xenix
Rick Richardson
rick at pcrat.uucp
Mon Jul 31 01:10:48 AEST 1989
In article <549 at> terry at (Terry Hull) writes:
>Check the interface script. My guess is he is either sending a
>form feed to the printer, or he is doing a printer reset with
>an ESC E. Sending an Escape E to the printer will not only reset
>it, but will also cause the printer to form feed a blank page.
This isn't true. ESC E will formfeed if and only if there has been
some output or movement on the page. Two ESC E's in a row do not do the
same thing as two formfeeds.
It is proper and prudent to begin and end each job with ESC E. Just
make sure that nothing gets sent (not even a newline) between jobs.
For example, if the end of a job code looks like this:
echo "^L"
and the beginning of the next job starts with ESC E, then you
will get a blank page. This is because the echo will send a
formfeed *and* a newline. The best way is to start and end
each job is with the equivalent of:
echo "\033E\c"
Rick Richardson | JetRoff "di"-troff to LaserJet Postprocessor|uunet!pcrat!dry2
PC Research,Inc.| Mail: uunet!pcrat!jetroff; For anon uucp do:|for Dhrystone 2
uunet!pcrat!rick| uucp jetroff!~jetuucp/file_list ~nuucp/. |submission forms.
jetroff Wk2200-0300,Sa,Su ACU {2400,PEP} 12013898963 "" \d\r\d ogin: jetuucp
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