tunable parameters problem?
barton at holston.UUCP
Sun Jun 11 05:15:30 AEST 1989
Please pardon me if this is an obviosly naive question, but
I am curious if there is some sort of limit on the number
of times a single user can open the same file in SCO 2.2.1
on a 286.
My problem occurs when the vertical package I developed is
running with 4+ users doing inquirys in the same masterfile.
Problem: eventually the system will refuse to open the files
requested for a particular user, no errors are generated other
than those in the application.
The files are RM/Cobol indexed data files.
Is there some parameter I can adjust? I am nowhere near the
limit of 300 open files systemwide.
Since all the users log in under the same name to start the
application, I suspect that I am bumping into some limit.
All suggestions appreciated.
Barton A. Fisk | UUCP: {texbell,uunet}!warble!holston!barton
PO Box 1781 | DOMAIN: barton at holston.UUCP
Lake Charles, La. 70602 | ----------------------------------------
318-439-5984 | +++++ "Hal, open the pod bay doors" --- Dave
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