Ed Hew
edhew at egvideo.UUCP
Wed Jun 28 14:00:00 AEST 1989
In article <870 at stanton.UUCP> donegan at stanton.UUCP (Steve Donegan) writes:
>Does anyone have a replacement for the libcrypt.a that is in the public
>domain for XENIX 386? Sources preferred. Please email any responses.
>Thank you.
It's not public domain, but I understand that Mortice-Kern Systems in
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada have a commercially offered crypt replacement.
You'd have to ask them about specific library routines.
Try <uid>@mks (I don't know specific loginid's there). If in doubt
you could always 'postmaster' or even 'root'.
Hope this helps. --ed {edhew at egvideo.uucp}
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