Less expensive version of SCO XENIX
Ross Oliver
rosso at sco.COM
Tue Jun 20 11:14:59 AEST 1989
In article <728 at serene.UUCP> rfox at pnet12.cts.com (Richard Fox) writes:
>So Mike, Is there a SCO version of unix that is very inexpensive (for
>students) to use on a xt/at system. I would like to use Xenix (unix) for
>learning but cannot afford a large outlay of cash, does SCO have any stripped
>down packages for this application?
There is a 2-user version of both 286 and 386 XENIX available. I
don't have a price sheet handy, but I think the 286 version goes for
$295, and the 386 version for $395. This is about half the unlimited-user
prices of $595 and $695 respectively. These are operating system-only
prices, but there are 2-user complete packages as well (operating system,
developement system, and text processing). As I said, these prices
are from memory and may not be correct, so contact your dealer or sales
rep to be sure. You can also upgrade the 2-user version later on to an
unlimited-user version.
The 2-user version allows logins on all 12 of your console multiscreens,
but only one serial port. All the serial port drivers are still there,
and you can use them for other things (data collection, outgoing UUCP,
etc.), you just can't put a getty on more than one at a time. The
primary use for a package like this is for a workstation, where only
one person would be using the machine. If you don't need the extra
users, this is definitely the way to go.
Ross Oliver
Technical Support
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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