Swho, Fido, or anything like it.

> System Administrator root at gutarman.UUCP
Tue Oct 3 01:30:36 AEST 1989

I'm running Xexnix 386 SysV ver 2.3.2, and I have , at times, up to 30 users.
Most of these are remotes, which I am mainly trying to monitor.  What I'm  
looking for is a program that does a constant "w" or "ps -ef".  I could simply
while true
sleep 2
but this isn't really good enough (too simple).  Anyhow, I think what I need
is fido or swho, but I can't get either one to work.  Has anyone gotten
these programs to compile under Xenix, or does anyone have anything similar
to it?  

Thanks in advance....

                                                        -, _ /:
                                                        \ o.O ,
Robert Hough                                            =(___)=
Home of "Rob's Rough House" 901-385-5336                   U     Ack!
5175 Elmore Rd. Suite 5  Memphis, TN  38134                        Phfft!
!uunet!gutarman!robert  (it's guitar man, Doug....not gutter man...)

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