Telebit T1000 problems
Stephen Walick
steve at nshore.uucp
Wed Aug 22 10:20:35 AEST 1990
As quoted from <105 at mnopltd.UUCP> by neal at mnopltd.UUCP:
| ->As quoted from <102 at mnopltd.UUCP> by neal at mnopltd.UUCP:
| ->
| ->+---------------
| ->| ->I am having a problem getting a T1000 Telebit to connect properly with
| ->| ->a Trailblazer Plus over standard telephone lines.
| ->| -> ....dialTBIT has never worked, and the TB+ is
| ->| ->run from Dialers and nvram:
| ->|
| ->| I just know I going to get stomped on for this but, why haven't you used
| ->| the dialTBIT? Did it need to get compiled?
| ->+---------------
| ->
| ->SCO's dialTBIT script is for the "Trailblazer" and uses S registers that
| ->are not known to the T1000, viz., the "S111= " register (about file com-
| ->pression) does not appear on the T1000. I had to comment those references
| ->in the setup and in the script itself or I would run into "mucho" problems.
| Thanks for the warning, but I just looked at the manual for the T1000 and it
| does show S111... perhaps you mean s110? I do notice that it is not in the
| manual although the rev 1.3 dialTBIT.c does try to set it. I also notice
| that it appears to be unsettable in the T1000, eg:
| ats110=4
| OK
| ats110?
| 000
Whoops -- you're very correct. Sorry for the mis-information to any and
all readers of these news groups who may have been misled. Indeed, the
"S111" register is "File Tranfer Protocol Support" and I had intended to
refer to the "S110" register.
However, since my last follow-up, I have had personal contact with other
T1000 users who happen to have an "older" model whose S-registers were
*NOT* the same as my own, and that fact demonstrated by both the Model
number on the label and the corresponding manual. Hence, *CAUTION*
should be taken, even when speaking about T1000 TBIT modems. The same
T1000 may be identified by a different "Product Identification String",
which can be found in the "S49" register. This can be determined by
an "ATI0" <retn>. On my own T1000, the "ATI0" returns "968" or a
"Model T1SA" and the manual accompanying it is "90062-02 Rev. E". It
definitely does *NOT* have register "S110" which is "Trailblazer" spe-
cific referring to it's "Compression Mode".
Again, apologies for mis-information, and regards.... Steve Walick
Stephen J. Walick, Asst Sysop of the < XBBS > program at NCoast.ORG
uunet!ncoast!nshore!steve nshore!steve at
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