Xenix Compatibility
Bill Campbell
campbell at Thalatta.COM
Fri Aug 10 00:05:51 AEST 1990
In article <1922 at hsi86.hsi.UUCP> tankus at hsi.UUCP (Ed Tankus) writes:
:I have just about decided to buy the machine shown in the Keywords:.
:Yes, I WANT a 286.
Takes all kinds... Some people are just masochists.
:From the spec sheet, the motherboard has 1Meg expandable to 8Meg.
:Memory is page-mode SIMMS. The machine uses an AMI BIOS and comes
:with a 1.2M floppy, 1:1 controller, Fujitsu 101-keyboard, and two year
:parts and labor.
:I plan to fill in the memory myself and install a Paradise VGA+ 16
:graphics card with a multisync monitor. I also have a WD1006
:controller I might swap for the stock controller. I haven't
:decided on a hard drive yet.
I would stay away from the Paradise VGA+ 16 board. I had a
problem that drove me crazy for weeks where I couldn't write
floppy disks reliably, and I finally tracked it down to the
16-bit Paradise VGA board. I only found this after posting a
question to this news group, and someone from sco pointed out
that similar problems had occurred with the HP-vectra and 16-bit
VGA boards.
The 8-bit VGA works fine (and so do my floppy drives).
The above discussion probably doesn't apply to the 286 (I hadn't
noticed that this machine was a 286 when I started posting this
response), just when the operating system is running in protected
mode. It was a big enough of a pain to me that someone else
might find it useful.
:So the question is ... has anyone used, or is anyone using, this or
:another DFI box? Any problems running SCO Xenix 286??
:I review this group frequently so please post your replies here. The
:information may help someone else.
:Ed Tankus. {uunet,yale}!hsi!tankus -- OR -- tankus at hsi.com
:Snail: 3M Health Information Systems
: 100 Barnes Road, Wallingford, CT 06492
:Bell : (203) 949-6358
....microsoft--\ Bill Campbell; Celestial Software
...uw-entropy----!thebes!camco!bill 6641 East Mercer Way
....fluke------/ Mercer Island, Wa 98040
....hplsla----/ (206) 232-4164
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