anonymous and Elm.

Jesse W. Asher jessea at dynasys.UUCP
Thu Aug 9 01:16:23 AEST 1990

I've got elm compiled on a SCO Xenix 386 system, but everytime someone
sends mail using it, it says that the mail is from "anonymous".  I hard
wired the name of the system, would this make any difference?  If not,
does anyone know what the problem could be?  I looked through the code
and I assume it has something to do with the system name, but I don't
know what.  Ideas anyone?

      Jesse W. Asher                             Phone: (901)382-1609 
               6196-1 Macon Rd., Suite 200, Memphis, TN 38134
                UUCP: {fedeva,chromc,rutgers}!dynasys!jessea
-> 186,000 mps: It's not just a good idea -- It's the law.

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