man page system for SCO Xenix

Dr. T. Andrews tanner at
Tue Aug 21 06:47:33 AEST 1990

In the cited article, evil at arcturus.uucp (Wade Guthrie) writes:
) get the text processing package.  You need that for the ...roff
) package to make the man pages come out on the screen.
Unfortunately, this isn't the entire story.  Yes, it  seems  that
you  have  to  buy  the  text processing package to get the "man"

However, the man pages themselves are shipped as very  bad  nroff
output.   You can't usefully run them through with a neater macro
package, or  print  them  more  neatly  on  your  "better"  nroff
printer, or use them with "troff" and your troff previewer.
uflorida!ki4pv!cdis-1!tanner {uunet dsinc}!cdin-1!cdis-1!tanner

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