Token Ring Thru SCO DOS Merge
brian douglass personal account
brian at edat.UUCP
Wed Aug 15 09:19:56 AEST 1990
I am trying to bring up a Token Ring card under SCO's DOS Merge
product. I've contacted SCO on this and they said it can be
done, but why? Well, because I need to.
Anyway, they also said that people have done this successfully, but
couldn't give me any references or details on configuration. So,
netlanders, if anyone has successfully done this, could you please
tell me how you didn't.
The problem right now is the message "Serial Interrupt Vector
Collision" upon boot up, when the hwconfig message appears. I would
ask SCO about this, but TR is not yet a supported product.
Thanks in Advance
Brian Douglass uunet!edat!brian
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