SCO Mailing List
Wm E. Davidsen Jr
davidsen at sixhub.UUCP
Sun Aug 19 08:33:44 AEST 1990
In article <5420 at> s892024 at (Richard Muirden [G.A.]) writes:
| Would it be at all possible to have this mailing list piped into
| comp.unix.xenix (like comp.risks)
This list contains lots of stuff which would be wildly off topic in
any one existing group, and each article gets mailed 2-3 times to give
you a good chance to read it. Please don't do this.
Segregating all the SCO o/s and applications into one group was voted
down, so the mailing list was formed. Over half the messages are
requests for people to leave the list, and we just don't need that on
this group.
bill davidsen - davidsen at sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen)
sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX
moderator of and 80386 mailing list
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me
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