SLS Fixes
Thomas Wieske
news at
Sat Aug 25 21:36:26 AEST 1990
root at (W. Patrick Walsh) writes:
>When attempting to download SLS's from SOSCO, I keep receiving the following
>REQUEST: sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/SLS/xnx155.Z --> anomaly!/usr/spool/uucppublic/SLS/xnx155.Z (root)
^^^ exist this directory in your machine?
>(SYSTEM: sosco) remote access to path/file denied
Normaly, no..
Your must be create this with mkdir SLS, or....
I'm doing this with:
uucp sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/SLS/xnx155.Z anomaly!/usr/spool/uucppublic
or anomaly!/~
The xnx155.Z-file is received in the .../uucppublic directory.
---* Wieske's Crew KG, Netzwerk/Kommunikation/Service/Beratung | \ / |
--* \ D-2000 Hamburg 76, Lessingstr.2, Tel.: +49 40 / 2500146 **---- ? - |
-* \ \ Th. Wieske, Priv. 2512491 Box/Traily: 259704/259308 // | / \ |
__>_>_>____________________thw at mcshh.hanse.de____________________// `-------'
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