Paul Martin
pmartin at psmsd.UUCP
Sat Feb 10 07:40:55 AEST 1990
In article <269 at pallas.UUCP>, kabra437 at pallas.UUCP (Ken Abrams) writes:
> In article <2735 at umbc3.UMBC.EDU> cs374107 at () writes:
> >
> >At my home system, cron is acting weird (SCO 386 Xenix), cron seems to be
> >activating once,ie my 'news' file in crontabs does not get executed but
> >the first time I boot. Any ideas as how to fix this? Thanks
> Put the following in your crontabs:
> 1 * * * * /bin/true
> This will keep cron "awake".
> There is a known problem with cron going to sleep with Xenix '386.
> This should fix it. Supplied by SCO Tech. Support. Works for me.
What version of Xenix/386 is cron broke?
Is the problem only with cron files other than root in crontabs dir?
I am running Xenix/386 2.3.2 and have not noticed this problem but
I bring my machine up and down all the time. But the roon cron file
entries are being executed just fine. Am I missing something about
the problem?
Just worried (hopefully for nothing)!
+--------[ Paul Martin at P.S.M. Software Development ]--------+
| Smart: pmartin at psmsd.UUCP | "Yes I am serious, and don't |
| Dumb: ...uccba!psmsd!pmartin | call me Shirley!" |
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