emulating t4014 undSCO mu
mark.levy at canremote.uucp
Wed Feb 21 01:06:00 AEST 1990
To: dooley at physics.utoronto.ca (Kevin Dooley)
dc> Could somebody help me with an SCO XENIX puzzle. Even
dc>an RTFM would be appreciated if you can tell which FM to R,
dc>I've looked till I'm blue-in-the-face.
dc> Here's what I want to do:
dc> I want to make at least one but not necessarily all of my
dc>multiple screens (tty0[1-12]) emulate a tek4014 so that I can
dc>run graphing softwarefrom the console. However, I can't seem
dc>to convince this thing to interpret the escape sequences as
dc>'draw a line from here to there', so I just get junk. I this
dc>possible or do I have to run an external terminal in through
dc>the serial port?
Check the file /etc/ttys for the type of terminal that the
multiscreen is defined as. The default for the console is ansi.
A problem that you will probably run into is that you can tell
the OS that the multiscreen is a tek4014, and it will deal with
the codes, but remember that you are dealing with a PC here, NOT
a tek4014 graphics terminal. You will probably need to run a
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