PANIC - Non-recoverable kernal page fault...
Mowgli Assor
mowgli at
Wed Feb 28 10:43:59 AEST 1990
Well, here it goes again! <Sigh> Recently, we have had a rash of page fault
panics (4 in 5 days). We have not changed anything for weeks! So, can someone
explain a few things to me? First off, what each of the various codes below
stands for (I would presume PC is program counter, KSP is some form of stack
pointer, but as for the rest - ?). I do not know much about the Intel arch-
itecture, as far as what specific registers do & what the various traps stand
for. Any information here would be appreciated.
The machine we are using is an IBM PS/2 Model 80, 6Meg RAM, ~100Meg HD, w/3
Digiport smart modem boards. Thursday, we got the following error messages:
Trap 0000000E in SYSTEM error = 00000000
eax = F000272A
ebx = 00000006
ecx = 00000000
edx = 000000A1
esi = 0000C420
edi = F000272A
ebp = 060006F8
fl = 00010282
uds = 00000018
es = 00000018
fs = 0000003F
gs = 0600003F
pc = 00000020:0001D40D
ksp = 060006D0
Panic - Non-recoverable Kernal Page Fault
Trap 0000000E in SYSTEM error = 00000000
eax = F000272A
ebx = 00000006
ecx = 00000000
edx = 000000A1
esi = 0000C420
edi = F000272A
ebp = 060006DC
fl = 00010282
uds = 06090018
es = 06000018
fs = 0000003F
gs = 0000003F
pc = 00000020:0001D40D
ksp = 060006B4
Panic - Non-recoverable Kernal Page Fault
Then, today (Tuesday) when I arrived at work, I again found a kernal page
fault waiting for me. All values were the same as the above listed error
messages, except for the following:
esi = 0000B700
ebp = 06000404
gs = 0001003F
ksp = 060003DC
Now, the fact that it seems to die with the PC in the same place each time
makes me very suspicious. Of course, it is likely that only SCO can tell me
where the OS is dying (as far as what program causes it).
Has anyone else ever had a problem remotely like this? As I said, we have not
changed any of our hardware or software setup within the last month, & yet
this only started happening last Thursday. Any help would be greatly ap-
Thanks, <Mowgli>
PS. I RTFM already. It had very little of use to say on the subject.
Address: mowgli at (Mowgli Assor in real life)
Or: mowgli at, mowgli at
The 2 precepts of Semi-Divinity: (1) Mind Thine Own Business.
(2) Don't Worry About It.
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