Monitor by Anvil Designs
Bob Willey
bob at consult.UUCP
Thu Feb 1 11:28:01 AEST 1990
In article <826 at rupert.mdavcr.UUCP> dougf at mdavcr.UUCP (Douglas Floer) writes:
>In the Dec 11 issue of UNIX Today, Page 8, Anvil Designs of Santa Clara
>advertises a product called "Monitor" that sounds suspiciously like the
>monitor posting to this newsgroup of about 6 months ago. Anyone have any
>background on it?
>Doug Floer, MDA, Richmond, BC, Canada ..!uunet!van-bc!mdavcr!dougf
Doug, This program DOES exist and is really pretty nice.
I used the public domain version and thought it was GREAT, UNTIL..
I saw Monitor by Anvil.
There is a few problem in the reporting of memory usage and
such in V1.0, but in talking to management at Anvil they are only
a few weeks from shipping V1.1 which will be the real
work horse. The Monitor utility has come in very handy,
and will actually teach you a lot about how Xenix works internally
by going thru the various screens and watching activity in the
system and what it does to various resource.
It monitors CPU, Memory, Disk, & Buffers. And get very detailed
in the advanced screens. It does link into the kernel to get
the info that it needs. It takes approx. 438K to run.
If I can provide any additional info just let me know.
** I am not affiliated with Anvil except as a happy customer/reseller **
.. Computer Consulting Service .. Bob Willey, CDP ..
.. P.O. Drawer 1690 .. uunet!consult!bob ..
.. Easton, Maryland 21601 .. (301) 820-4670 ..
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