GCC, GAS, GNU-LD available for 386/Unix?
David Summers
david at actsn.fay.ar.us
Tue Feb 20 17:17:40 AEST 1990
Thanks to the people who responded to my quest for GCC under Xenix....the
consensus (after just a couple of days) seems to be that everyone is asking
everyone else if anyone has gotten it working and that it should be possible
to get it working. There are rumors that someone either at SCO and/or at
someplace called Morgan.Com has gotten it to work, maybe other places to (?).
My next request is to ask that ANYBODY that has gotten it to work on any 386
Unix platform (COFF compatible) please get in contact with me....I think that
I *should* be able to run your COFF binaries. Specifically I need GCC, GAS,
GNU-LD, and maybe the 'binutils' programs. I am running Xenix 386/2.3.1
but do NOT have a 386 development system, but an older (Tandy 286/SysV)
developement system (don't ask, it's a long story :-) ..... ). Anyway, I
have tried without much success to get things going via the 286 compiler and
am just about ready to give up on that route. What I would like to do is to
get ahold of the GCC (and others, as mentioned above) 386 COFF compatible
binaries and see if they will run on my system. If so then that may be the
quickest route to getting GCC to self-compile on Xenix 386/2.3.1 and give
me (and others!?) a GCC 386 development system.
I DO have access to the Internet and FTP capability.
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated....It seems it should
be possible to do!
- David Summers
David Summers "Be Original! Drink Dr. Pepper like everyone else!"
(David.Summers at actsn.fay.ar.us)
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