Ronald Srodawa
srodawa at egrunix.UUCP
Wed Feb 14 14:06:01 AEST 1990
In article <33.25D795F8 at> david at (David Nugent) writes:
> > From: glenn at (glenn ford)
> > Date: 11 Feb 90 16:09:33 GMT
> > Organization: CoreDump
> > Message-ID: <853 at>
> > Newsgroups: comp.unix.xenix,comp.sources.wanted
> >
> > Is there a PKZIP compatible out there that works under
> > SCO 386 XENIX?
There is arc, a program developed at the University of Michigan. We run
it under BSD 4.3 with no problems. It "almost" works under Xenix, but
requires first installing a set of "standard" directory routines. I
have it all ready to do, but am just looking for a spare hour or two
or three to do it. Ron.
| Ronald J. Srodawa | Internet: srodawa at |
| School of Engineering and | UUCP: srodawa at egrunix.UUCP |
| Computer Science | |
| Oakland University | |
| Rochester, Michigan 48309-4401 | |
| Phone: (313) 370-2247 | |
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