help on MICROPOLIS 1568 HD
Fred Rump
fred at cdin-1.UUCP
Fri Feb 2 07:00:12 AEST 1990
In article <21800004 at adaptex> neese at adaptex.UUCP writes:
->>We finally gave up on the Adaptec ACB-2322B-8 under Xenix 2.3.2 GT. We were OK
->>with SCO Unix, things worked. But we needed this to run under Xenix. SCO sent
->>a Beta copy of another formatter. Still no good. The drive kept reporting bad
->>tracks after the hard format found none.
->I never heard, but did you try disabling the read ahead on the 2322? Did you
->also obtain the "xnx133" ESDI driver fix from SCO?
-> Roy Neese
-> Adaptec Central Field Applications Engineer
-> UUCP @ {texbell,attctc}!cpe!adaptex!neese
-> merch!adaptex!neese
-> uunet!swbatl!texbell!merch!adaptex!neese
Roy, we tried. Several phone calls were placed to you and none returned.
Between SCO and Micropolis there was "well, it should work" but we could not
get any help from Adaptec to make it work.
In the meantime, when time is of essence, one has to look for other
alternatives. The advice from technical support at Adaptec was to try a
variety of other things, but disabling the cache (I guess that is the
read-ahead) was not mentioned. After several days of format attempts it
becomes cheaper to go to another vendor that guarantees his controller to work
and offers more documentation than the meager handout from Adaptec.
Even to this day, no one on the net has that drive with that controller
working. At least no one has come forward. Some SCSI controllers, yes. Other
drives, yes. Even lots of smaller 330MB drives.
I suppose the old lesson about never assuming anything to work until proven
otherwise has stood the test of time again.
One of these days when we have more time, we'll give it another shot.
fred rump
Fred Rump | UUCP: {uunet bpa dsinc}!cdin-1!fred
CompuData, Inc. | or ...{allegra killer gatech!uflorida decvax!ucf-cs}
10501 Drummond Rd. | !ki4pv!cdis-1!cdin-1!fred
Philadelphia, Pa. 19154| Internet: fred at (215-824-3000)
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