qsort() - HELP
David Nugent
david at csource.oz.au
Wed Feb 14 04:50:58 AEST 1990
> From: root at ozdaltx.UUCP (root)
> Date: 12 Feb 90 14:55:54 GMT
> Organization: OZ BBS - Dallas, TX
> Message-ID: <5916 at ozdaltx.UUCP>
> void qsort(base, nel, width, compar)
> char *base
> unsigned nel, width
> int (*compar)()
> Is base supposed to be an array?
> nel & width are self-explanitory
> What is compar() looking for or how is it assigned?
compar() is the address of a compare function. It's prototype is
something like:
int compar (char *, char *);
> The objective is to sort an array of strings in alpha order
> and then
> be able to read them. So far I'm getting is core dumps.
Well, fortunately strcmp() is compatible with the function. The following
should work ok:
qsort (base, 20, 64, strcmp);
This would sort an array of strings placed in an array of 64 bytes
(size of each element), and sort twenty elements into alpha order.
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